Archive by Author

Data loss fear discourages firms from adopting cloud, mobile technologies

In a Forrester study commissioned by IronKey it was revealed that 3/4s of enterprises are hesitant to fully adopt cloud and mobility storage due to doubts over data loss. The report said: “IT decision-makers still view the security capabilities of cloud and mobile technologies as immature and believe that adopting such technologies will present a […]

Imation research into transferring confidential information on portable devices

Research from Imation, the owners of IronKey, has revealed that upwards of 50 percent of employees use their portable devices to transfer confidential information & data from their business on a day to day basis. When you combine this with research from a Ponemon Institute study which found 3/4 organisations had suffered data loss due […]

Bigger US role against companies’ cyberthreats?

Plans are developing in the United States Senate to improve the government’s regulation of the computer security of companies running critical industries. Whilst there is opposition from businesses that believe the changes will go too far security experts believe it should have even more power. You can read more over at

How to Prevent Thumb Drive Security Disasters

Even with good security protocols in place it’s still common for employees to transfer sensitive information to their insecure USBs to take home with them. If you’re going to use USB devices in a work environment you want to use an IronKey. The IronKey encrypts data on the device keeping your information safe. The University […]

Arthur Wong, Ironkey CEO on anti-malware software

Arthur Wong, CEO of IronKey has shared his thoughts on the latest anti-malware software in a guest post on Mr Wong said, “Think your anti-virus or firewall will keep you safe? Unfortunately, over 75% of crimeware attacks go undetected by the best anti-malware software.  Today’s crimeware changes so fast that it evades anti-virus and […]

Tennis Australia’s pre-emptive cyber strike

While we’re keeping an eye on the results at the tennis in Melbourne via the website there is a team of IT security experts monitoring our usage. They’re doing this to prevent cyber attacks by keeping an eye out for any overly large volumes of traffic being transferred. You can read more over at […]

Advanced Persistent Threats Hit Over 760 Companies

Dave Jevans has revealed on his blog that 760 companies have potentially felt the effects of criminals finding a database of their symmentric RSA SecurID keys. With this information, the criminals were able to create virtual copies of the RSA SecurID tokens. You can read more over at

USB keys analysed

Sophos, a computer security company, recently acquired 50 misplaced USB keys from RailCorp, who sold the keys in a lost property auction. Sophos analysed the keys and found that two thirds of the keys were infected with some form of malware. Sophos found there were CVs, jobs applications, tax return information, photo albums, work projects, […]

A Closer Look at USB Drives You Can Lock Down

Michael J. Miller of has reviewed the IronKey range of secure USB devices. He concludes by saying, “Overall, IronKey remains the standard for secure, managed drives, with just a bit more speed and flexibility.” You can read the full review here.

600,000 accounts compromised a day: Facebook

In a post on the official Facebook blog, it was revealed that 600,000 Facebook accounts a day are compromised. To combat these breaches, Facebook’s proposed plan is to have users set 3 to 5 trusted friends. These friends would then receive a code, which they can pass on to you to help you unlock your […]