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Data security in an increasingly mobile world

It has been predicted that the global mobile workforce will become 1.3 billion people by 2013, with an estimated 1 billion people already mobile.  Security breaches, theft of information (whether accidental or as a result of fraud) and intellectual property are among the concerns faced by businesses. Technology is already in place to allay these […]

Rundown of IronKey’s features from the CEO of IronKey

Dave Jevans, CEO of IronKey outlines the key feature of the IronKey system: The base business is hardware encrypted storage with data protection.  The IronKey can be used on Windows, Mac and Linux without the need to install software.  The IronKey Enterprise is managed remotely, allowing for admins to enforce password strength or issue commands […]

IronKey Personal winner of Best Consumer Product 2010

IronKey Personal was one of the winners of the Best Consumer Product/Service Award at the Golden Bridge Business American Awards 2010. The Golden Bridge Awards are an annual recognition of excellence in business, honouring companies, businesses and individuals for corporate accomplishments, and are part of worldwide programs including Hot Companies and Technologies, Global Product Excellence […]

Is your business suffering from ‘security paralysis’?

CDW LCC (a technology firm) voices its concerns over the fact that many businesses are suffering from “security paralysis”, meaning that they have little resources to devote to cybersecurity, or are simply ignoring security issues until they become problematic. A five-step process is recommended, with all relevant departments within an organisation being suitably represented: 1) […]